Product Journey
About the Organization

Though the history of weavers’ co-operative dates back to the first quarter of 20th century, strictly speaking serious efforts were made in the year 1934-35 to bring large number of weavers in TamilNadu under the co-operative fold to strengthen entire handloom sector.
Today, in TamilNadu there are 1,134 Handloom Weaver Co-operative Societies functioning in TamilNadu as on 31.03.2021. As per 2019-20, 4th All India Handloom Census, there are 2.44 lakh handloom weavers in the State. During the year 2020-2021, the Handloom Weavers Co-operative Societies have produced cloth valued at Rs.847.65 crore and sold Handloom Products to the extent of Rs.1027.01 crore.

About the Artisan

Ramasamy weavers traditional kanchipuram sarees for more than 2 decades and with his craftsmanship he brings fine silk sarees. He has been associated with Co-optex since 2004.